If you ever wondered what you may have missed by not coming sooner, we thought we’d let you have a look at our website’s evolution over the years.
(Please ignore the bad JPGs. Those are the only images I have of the layouts now, so there is little helping them)
Feb 2005-Feb 2006:
This was the first layout I made for this site. It lasted for almost two years and carried over from the Geocities site. ( I used to have an old link back to the Geocities page, but with Geocities now gone, it may never have one, though there is a chance since Reocities is trying to find all the old pages)
Feb 2006-April 2006:
This was the short lived version two. It was too much to keep up with while the site is still growing like a weed. Something like this might be used again when the site becomes more static.
April 2006-Dec 2006:
Yes, back to I frames. It is just easier to manage while the site keeps growing so much in such a little expanse of time.
Dec 2006-October 2012:
Using frames again, we have a lovely layout with Mokona. I was on a bit of a pastel kick. Knowing my trends the next one might be dark.
October 2012- 2016:
We not only changed hosts again, but we switched to WordPress powered layout. It will make changing the site layout far easier. The theme in use was called Origin. It is a free theme that is mildly customizable, but I liked the clean lines of it. (click the image to view it larger, if you wish)
2016- Present
The current wordpress theme in use is Sela.